Telling Our Stories Press

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Thank you for submitting to our telling our stories projects! 

In your submissions, challenge yourself to: 

  • Admit discoveries about yourself and others.
  • Shape your narrative using different creative writing techniques:

Stream of consciousness, prose, poetry, personal essays, vignettes, lists, dialogues, open letters, written portraits (of self or others), alternative viewpoints (of an event, person or situation), diary excerpts, mutual journals (between you and another person OR you and other persons surrounding a theme, event, etc.), written journeys, memoir in altered perspectives (telling your story via other POV); travelogues, spiritual journeys…

  • Mix and match different storytelling devices.
  • Create Visually Artistic Entries: narrative photography, photo memoir, graphic memoir, illustrations, sketches, paintings, collage, photographs of art, or other visual storytelling

Fine Print: Authors retain all rights to their work, and maintain copyright credit of their creative work, and grant publication rights to Telling Our Stories Press for print/eBook publications, or adaptations into visual art (eg. collage) and/or performance art.

Please note that the publication date of the accepted work depends highly upon the volume of received and selected submissions for the specified project. Since many of these projects require multiple short and ultra-short entries, it may take well over a year’s time of rolling admissions before a particular project is fulfilled. So please be bear with us. However, you will be notified once your work is accepted, and notified again prior to publication.

We accept simultaneous submissions, however, please just WITHDRAW your submission from consideration at any time via SUBMITTABLE if you need to do so.

Telling Our Stories Press